Asian Spectator

SABUY Announces Equity Transaction with Alternative Investment Firm, GEM Global Yield LLC SCS

  • Written by Sabuy Technology
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Founded in 2014 and listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, SABUY Technology Public Company has expanded from its payment business into various industries and become a company with a unique ecosystem serving over 50 million users in Thailand and more than 70 million transactions per month. Its businesses are categorized into i) B2C, so called Connext, ii) B2B or Enterprise Solutions, iii)

Payment & Electronic Wallet, iv) Financial Services (consumer finance and insurance brokerage), and v) Digital & Blockchain Technology.

The core subsidiaries and associates of SABUY include SABUY Connext Tech Public Company (manufacturer of water purifiers and distributor of consumer products), Vending Connext Company Limited and Vending Plus Company Limited (the operator of over 13,000 vending machines in Thailand), SABUY Speed Company Limited (the franchisor of more than 20,000 pick-up & drop-off shops nationwide), Plus Tech Innovation Public Company Limited (the manufacturer of credit cards and plastic cards and the provider of various enterprise solutions), SABUY Solutions Company Limited (foodcourt and canteen solution provider), Buzzebees Company Limited (the provider of CRM loyalty platform and the enabler of e-commerce services, SABUY Money Company Limited (the licensed provider of electronic money, payment gateway and electronic wallet), SABUY Capital Company Limited (consumer finance and supply-chain financing), Asphere Innovations Public Company Limited (online games, blockchain technologies and marketing technologies) and SABUY Market Plus Company Limited (online market platform). SABUY also invests in other businesses such as self-service locker, entertainment & media and self- laundry services which empower the ecosystem of SABUY in terms of customers' journey, business synergic linkages and cost optimization. In 1H2023, SABUY reported the revenue of THB 5.1 billion, a y.o.y. growth of 204%, with the strong net profit of THB 347 million during the same period. For more information: [1]


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Authors: Sabuy Technology

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