Asian Spectator

A first for Taiwan, BIO Asia-Taiwan 2019 to be held in Taipei, 24 July, with BIO’s president Jim Greenwood to attend

  • Written by Taiwan Bio Industry Organization

As a sign of its international importance, the BIO Asia-Taiwan 2019 exhibition will feature 18 national pavilions, while the conference will feature speakers from 25 countries

TAIPEI, TAIWAN - Media OutReach[1] - 12 June 2019 - At the recently concluded BIO 2019 International Convention, held in Philadelphia, president of BIO (Biotechnology Innovation Organization, the world's largest biotech industry association) Jim Greenwood met with Johnsee Lee, chairman of the Taiwan Biotechnology Industry Organization (Taiwan BIO) and Wu Tsung-tsong, Minister without Portfolio, the Executive Yuan of Taiwan, to together announce the upcoming BIO Asia-Taiwan 2019 International Conference and Exhibition to be held in Taipei 24-28 July. The theme of this event will be 'Biotech as the Next Growth Engine for Asia'.

A first for Taiwan, BIO Asia-Taiwan 2019 to be held in Taipei, 24 July, with BIO’s president Jim Greenwood to attend

Together announcing BIO Asia-Taiwan 2019 during the BIO 2019 Convention in Philadelphia, USA, on 5 June, 2019 are: Jim Greenwood (3rd left) President of BIO; Johnsee Lee (5th left), Chairman of Taiwan BIO; and Wu Tsung-tsong (4th left), Minister without Portfolio, the Executive Yuan of Taiwan. 


Greenwood noted that the event, co-organized by BIO and Taiwan BIO, is being held in Taiwan for the first time, an important milestone and recognition of Taiwan's current standing and future potential within the global healthcare industry ecosystem. With Taiwan's longstanding leadership position in a number of information and communication technology (ICT) industries, and with healthcare moving more and more into the digital realm--combining with advances in AI and Big Data for example--Taiwan is well placed to become an important and essential link in the years to come. Greenwood mentioned that he would be attending BIO Asia-Taiwan in person, and was looking forward to being a part of such an esteemed gathering of international biomedical industry professionals.  


Johnsee Lee, chairman of the steering committee of BIO Asia-Taiwan, noted that the event had attracted significant international interest, with the exhibition hosting pavilions from 18 different countries, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy, South Korea, India, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, Poland, Thailand, Austria, Hong Kong, Germany, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. The number of overseas exhibitors so far is at least 70, including many multinational pharmaceutical companies. At least 600 companies have confirmed their participation, taking up 1,700 booths on the exhibition floor.


While in Philadelphia for the BIO Convention, Taiwan BIO representatives took the opportunity to call the local industry association Life Sciences Pennsylvania, and also MassBio, the biotech association of Massachusetts. They also met with representatives of the Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences (TCELS), and withKoreaBIO and JBA, the associations of South Korea and Japan respectively, all of who indicated with be sending representatives to Taipei for BIO Asia-Taiwan.


Leading the Taiwan delegation to Philadelphia was Wu Tsung-tsong, Minister without Portfolio, the Executive Yuan of Taiwan. Wu mentioned that in supporting BIO Asia-Taiwan, the government hopes that it will be an opportunity to showcase the country's strengths and capabilities in biomedical research and development, and highlight its achievements in such sectors as new drug development, diagnostics, biomedical materials and precision medicine. In doing so Wu hopes it will attract more of the global biotech community to Taiwan for business and cooperation engagement.


BIO Asia-Taiwan 2019 Conference Highlights

The conference at BIO Asia-Taiwan 2019 will feature international expert speakers on such finance-related topics as cross border financing and investment, M&A, regional cooperation. In 'breakthrough technologies', sessions are scheduled on cancer immunotherapies, cell and gene therapy, and regenerative medicine. In so-called 'game changing technologies', speakers will deep dive into the exciting disciplines of artificial intelligence, Big Data, IoT, gene sequencing and editing, and liquid biopsies.


Register for BIO Asia-Taiwan 2019

Register now to confirm your ticket to attend the inaugural holding of the BIO Asia-Taiwan 2019 International Conference and Exhibition. This week-long festival of biotech-themed conferences, meetings, presentations and social get-togethers should not be missed! Early Bird discounts end on June 22, so be sure to complete your registration soon!


For more details, visit[2].   


  1. ^ Media OutReach (
  2. ^ (

Authors: Taiwan Bio Industry Organization

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