Asian Spectator

The Times Real Estate


Chinese TV Series, "The City of the Family", Tells the Story o...

  • Published in Asia Net
CHANGSHA, China, Dec. 19, 2018 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ -- A moving drama that recalls memories of the difficult time China's TV series have made great strides in recent years, with significant improvements in themes, concepts and production. In particular, costume and historical dramas, among others,...

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The Versatility and Sustainability of Cardboard Boxes: A Must-Have in Every Industry

Cardboard boxes have long been a staple in packaging and storage across the globe. From moving houses to shipping products, their versatility and reliability have made them essential to both businesse...

Demokrasi vs intervensi: Mengapa Barat dan ‘Global South’ punya perspektif berbeda tentang kedaulatan

Edward R/ShutterstockSituasi Geopolitik di Kawasan Timur Tengah masih memanas. Israel masih terus-menerus membombardir kota-kota di Suriah. Israel tampaknya tengah memanfaatkan situasi Suriah yang saa...

Bagaimana angin Santa Ana memicu kebakaran mematikan di California Selatan

Ribuan rumah terbakar dalam beberapa hari, mulai 7 Januari 2025, di wilayah Los Angeles.(AP Photo/Ethan Swope)Angin Santa Ana yang kuat, dengan kekuatan hembusan setara badai, bertiup dari pegunungan ...