Asian Spectator

Asian Spectator produces international news reports and magazine features from around the World with a focus on events and topics that touch the lives of billions of people in the vast regions that comprise Asia.

A division of, Asian Spectator is based in offices situated in NSW Australia, with reporters and contributors based around the World.

With a staff of five supported by a select group of senior contributors, Asian Spectator provides in depth coverage of business news, travel, health, food and dining, general news, fashion and beauty, life style and opinion.


The Asian Desk editor is Greg Rogers, a senior journalist.

Address and primary contact. - Publishers
10/130 Jonson Street, Byron Bay NSW 2481 Australia
ABN 59 596 763 611
E -
P - 1300 660 660

News Reports and Contributions.

We welcome input, so contact us at email with your proposal.


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