Asian Spectator

Guinea-Bissau’s Ministry of Finance Joins Rank of Companies Choosing N-Soft for Revenue Mobilization

  • Written by N-Soft
HONG KONG SAR - African Media Agency - 22 April 2024 – N-Soft, a leading revenue mobilization provider for the digital age, is thrilled to announce a groundbreaking partnership with the Ministry of Finance in Guinea-Bissau.

This strategic alliance is set to significantly enhance the government’s capacity to mobilize more revenue from key industries including mobile money providers, gambling operators, telecom operators, and the banking industry, with an eye to expand further. After all, N-Soft’s proven track record includes helping increase domestic revenue mobilization by upwards of 30% for nations around the world.

Guinea-Bissau had a projected tax-to-GDP ratio of 9.6% for 2023 according to the IMF’s Third Review under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement. This number shows that the nation is ready to accelerate their efforts with N-Soft’s range of solutions.

As Minister of Finance Ilídio Vieira Té exclaims, “As Minister of Finance, I am proud to announce our partnership with N-Soft for the implementation of cutting-edge technological governance solutions. This collaboration marks a significant step forward for Guinea-Bissau, enabling us to harness the potential of our digital sectors, including Mobile Money, Telecom, Gambling, and Banking. With real-time transaction reporting, we are poised to optimize revenue collection, ensuring all due taxes are accounted for. This heightened transparency not only enhances our business environment but also makes Guinea-Bissau a more attractive destination for external investors. Together, we are paving the way for sustainable economic growth and prosperity.”

N-Soft’s groundbreaking governance technology is designed to automatically extract, process, load, and certify critical data from operators across these four industries, By accurately calculating revenues generated from all transactions, N-Soft ensures comprehensive visibility into every facet of economic activities.

Renowned for its quick time-to-value, N-Soft consistently achieves implementation in just 13 weeks engendering value for users swiftly. The company also provides thorough team training for seamless operability and ensures sensitive data remains secure with local storage solutions. Further still, N-Soft offers payment plans to meet the unique needs of each nation, including a results-driven model based on actual revenue mobilized with the solution.

Hashtag: #N-Soft

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Authors: N-Soft

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